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The Wild Things are a gang operating in Night City.


Early history - 2020s[]

Considered one of the oldest gangs in Night City, the Wild Things were a 'dorpher gang whose symbol was a red circle with a white dot in the center. Its members wore no uniforms, as they all knew each other and knew who belonged in their territory. Gangers were allowed to carry any weapon of choice, including firearms. When a crime was committed, the gang got 10% of the take while the rest went back to the individual members involved in the action.

During the late 2010s there were about one hundred 'dorpher gangs in Night City, all sharing drug sources and quick (illegal) ways of raising funds for more drugs. Mostly clones of each other, they burned through their members as fast as their bodies failed and left space for the next fresh 'dorphhead. The Wild Things were distinctive because they were survivors, and unlike most dorpher gangs, they were not pushovers. Initiation was only open to seasoned 'dorphers who were known on the streets, and who had been on the streets for at least a year with another 'dorpher gang. With a street-tested membership, the Wild Things were bad company; cynical, predatory, and known to be able to hold their own in any fight.[1][3]

By 2020, the Wild Things had been around for a really long time. They had also recently claimed a large area of the Marina District as their exclusive territory after expelling the Gilligans.[1]

In the aftermath of the Night City Holocaust of 2023, a lot of gangs in Night City just fell apart. The Wild Things were one of these, with many of their members dying while fighting against Militech soldiers during the Fourth Corporate War. The few survivors left scattered away,[4] though they would later reappear with a new purpose.[2]

2030s - 2040s[]

After recovering from the war, the Wild Things turned their attention to one of Night City's favorite pass-times, gladiatorial bloodsports. They managed to survive the Time of the Red by channeling their violent impulses into these brutal competitions, quickly becoming dedicated to organize them. By the 2040s, the Wild Things were the in-house fighters of the infamous Redline bar, Night City's best-known live fighting arena. The bar's owner, Jenny Nails, was their leader as well.[2][5]

In 2045, the Wild Things were known to be the unbeatable gladiators of the Redline, and during opening fights, they dared anyone to battle them in the ring.[2]

Known Members[]



Stats & Equipment[]

Cyberpunk 2020[]

These are the stats and equipment of an average Wild Thing member in 2020's Night City Sourcebook.

SkillsLocate Drug 9, Pistol 3, Rifle 2, Melee Weapon 2, Streetwise 6, Fast Talk 2, Stealth 1[1]
CyberwareRandom implants[1]

Cyberpunk RED[]

These are the stats and equipment of an average Wild Thing member in RED's Tales of the RED: Hope Reborn.

SkillsAthletics 8, Concentration 8, Conceal/Reveal Object 7, Conversation 8, Cybertech 5, Human Perception 5, Interrogation 7, Perception 13, Persuasion 9, Resist Torture/Drugs 12, Stealth 8[2]
CyberwareEnhanced Antibodies, Neural Link (w/ Kerenzikov, Toxin Binders), Subdermal Armor[2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 PONDSMITH, M. Night City Sourcebook. Berkeley, CA, R. Talsorian Games, 1991. (pp.43–44,54)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 SPIVEY C. et al. Tales of the RED: Hope Reborn. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2024. (pp.148,152,170)
  3. Countdown to the Dark Future (#100)
  4. PONDSMITH, M. Cyberpunk RED Core Rulebook. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2020. (p.309)
  5. GRAY, J. Night City 2045 Atlas. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2025. (pp.10,15)