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Everyone knows that as a result of their violent civil war, Korea was united at last. However that doesn't mean all their days are now happiness and sunshine.

 — Unknown, Pacific Rim Sourcebook

The United Republic of Korea is an Asian country, created after South Korea's victory in the Second Korean war in 2005. After the victory the country was finally united and a President was elected to represent the newly formed country.[1]



United Korea was formed in 2005 after the South declared victory in the Second Korean War. By 2020, United Korea was a high tech country with many corporations following the same methods as the Japanese Zaibatsus. Despite great success Korea had conflict with many wanting to remain isolationist and refusing foreign influence, while others saw benefits in working with foreign relations. Korean traditionalist were bringing the country down. Sungan Industries was the largest Megacorporation dealing in weapons and vehicle manufacturing. Sungan held much influence and control of the country and was of the few looking to change the country from it's traditionalist ideals. Tanson Group, the second largest Korean Megacorp, was fighting against change and any foreign involvement.

2023 - 2045[]

In 2023, United Korea split shortly after the Koreas were divided again by the Fourth Corporate War, had become strong isolationist, although North Korea, was drawn into the conflict by promises of Arasaka support, had collapsed into a chaos of warlords and petty fiefdoms.[2] During the War the city of Busan, the largest port in United Korea, was locked down by the government after Militech released a deadly virus that ravage the city. Korea was unable to find any connections to whether the release was due to negligence or intentional.[3]


Some point before 2070 the two Koreas United once again. In 2077, a Seoul based detective unearthed satellite images showing signs of life in the city. Further research discovered that the life were automated machinery and robots carrying out their duties 50 years after the city was quarantined.[4]

Bioengineers celebrated the first successful cloning of a cave lion. Scientists from Seoul, Yakutsk, and Tokyo used genetic material from the remains of an ancient female lion discovered in a bog near Kolyma river in Northern Siberia.[4]


The Political Setting[]

The political system of United Korea seems democratic at a glance. The reason for the Korean schism is the course of recent Korean history. Until the Japanese invasion, Korea was ruled by an aristocratic feudal system. When Japan invaded in 1910, all Koreans were equally inferior in their sight so the Korean caste system led by the Yangbans was abolished. The Imperial Army proclaimed them all socially equal, in usefulness and expendability. Koreans were put under the Japanese hierarchical, an authoritarian bureaucracy.

When the Empire of Japan fell in 1945, the Korea was freed, only to fall subject to Cold War, by nature the country being between the US, Soviet, and Chinese forces. Korea was split in two along the 38th Parallel. The First Korean War gave birth to several problems: the traumatic split of a mono-racial country into North and South, the stationing of huge numbers of Soviet and American troops in the country, and reemergence of an economically powerful Japan. These three traumas kept tensions between the two Koreas: Hanguk (Republic of Korea/South Korea) and Choson (Democratic People's Republic of Korea/North Korea) very high, and both political systems became military dictatorships.

The collapse of both Soviet and American governments, and the political changes in the Japanese government left the Korean peninsula as a power vacuum. South Korea finally had civilian presidents for a time and was thriving. While North Korea had been suffering under their outdated Marxist government system, and the people were starving. The new leader of North Korea, Leader Kim, decided to take advantage of the world confusion and massed troops on the border.

In 1999 one of the two nations had crossed the border, and the Second Korean War began. The US and Japan surreptitiously aided the South, while China was quietly aiding the North. The Hanguk forces were ineffective, and the Choson troops were beginning to overrun the country. Finally Hanguk leader, General I, fired of the confused civilian leadership, used his rogue army first to take over the Hanguk government, and then went on to win the war. He became the first United Korean President but the new era of Korea began after his assassination.[1]

Kinship Domination and the Military/Corporate/Political Ties[]

United Korea in 2020, was not a Presidential Parliamentary Democracy. It was dominated by nepotism and collusion in the Military-industrial complex.

The rampant kinshipism was based on the ethics of Confucianism. After WWII, the Hanguk government distributed American financial and military aid to specific clans. These clans were he beginnings of the Korean Zaibatsus. At the same time, bureaucrats and corporations were hand in pocket as the rapid expansion of the Hanguk economy was being directed along the policy lines of the military dictators. In the 1980's a major corporation was disbanded by the government because it wouldn't pay certain fines to the government.

Many of the bureaucrats and corporates came out of the military. The elite officers were given the highest education, and so they rose to the top layers of society. Yangban in Rissi-Choson kept their domination; therefore, United Korean government customs were increasingly referred to as "Neo-Yangbanism."

Neo-Yangbans and Their Internal Strife[]

In 2020, the ruling classes were divided into two factions: one group trying to keep the growing movements out of Korea, and the other trying to bring it in. The first group, the Conservatives, were sure that the movement would corrupt Korea, and cause social and economic collapse. They are pressing for austerity measures, and to make it 'unhealthy" to spend money freely on flashy, unnecessary foreign goods. The Reformists believed that these new ideas would give Korea a much needed boost of Creativity and self-confidence to design and promote new Korean products, as well as protect the peninsula from foreign domination, economic or military.[1]


The culture of Korea is the shared cultural and historical heritage of Korea and southern Manchuria. As one of the oldest continuous cultures in the world, Koreans have passed down their traditional narratives in a variety of ways. Since the 2005 North and South Korean states have been united after the war freeing the people of North from the Regime. The practice of Korean shamanism was deeply rooted in Korean culture. Under the same flag United Korea has been able to share more land to expand and create new structures. United Korea is the second most advanced country in the Pacific Rim alliance.[1]


Korea's economy in 2020 was large and had much influence despite it's growing social issues and negative views towards foreign markets, including Japan. Its massive investment in education had taken the country from mass illiteracy to a major international technological powerhouse. The country's national economy benefited from a highly skilled workforce and was among the most educated countries in the world with one of the highest percentages of its citizens holding a tertiary education degree. Korea's economy was one of the world's fastest-growing and home to many large corporations such as Sungan Industries, Tanson Group, and Hyundai.[1]

Zaibatsu Influence[]

During the Japanese Occupation, Koreans learned many of the Japanese organizational structures, including the Zaibatsu structure. The Zaibatsu was perfectly suited for Korea's Confucianistic, family-oriented society, and they thrived after World War 2. The Korean zaibatsus were becoming some of the biggest in the 2020s.[1]

Korea Hancuk[]

The best known Korean Art is of course Tae Kwon 'Do. It was developed, finalized, and spread like wildfire all in the 20th century.

The origin comes from Korean history.

In the old times, there were three kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula: Koguryo, Silla, and Paekche. all competing Tor dominance. Some texts say an Art called "Tekkyon" was developed in 7th century Silla. Because of this art and the squad of young men called Hwarangdo, Silla, the smallest of the three countries, ruled the peninsula.

After a mile, Koguryo powered-up, and reconquered the land. Silla fell, but Tekkyon never really died. It was systematized and redeveloped in the late 1900s as Tae Kwon Do.[1]

Relations Between Japan and Korea[]

The relationship between these two neighbors is complicated. Their cultures are actually rather similar at the base, but both sides will dispute this vehemently. According to a survey the WNS held in 2018, 52% of Koreans think of Japan as "the enemy," and 53% think that the SDF is the dangerous, metal-clad reincarnation of the Imperial Armies. This is in spite of the fact that the Japanese government has donated 8.5 billion Eurobucks to help reconstruct United Korea since 2005.

It seems Korea is also a sore spot for the Japanese. The Korean media seek out possible slanders and Imperialistic statements in Japanese politics and media like bloodhounds; once they find something, they lash out with vigor about the impending invasion. The light side of Japanese life, such as aid by the government, or nice stories about good relations between Japanese and Korean students are ignored due to lack of sensationalism.

Takahara Kei, author of View from Korea, says the ones who suffer discrimination are the Japanese, not the Koreans. "Their hatred of Japanese existed before W.W.II or even the invasion by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. They believe the Japanese are an inferior race, so they can't admit the fact that we've beaten them both militarily and economically, Japanese are a really nice scapegoat for Korean politics; by using the 'holy' phrase, 'Remember the 36 years of domination by the Emperor' they can silence most 'demonic' Japanese." After the Second Korean War, the relationship between the two countries officially became better.[1]

Korean War[]

Main article: Korean War


The Republic of United Korea Armed Forces, also known as the ROUK Armed Forces, are the armed forces of United Korea. The ROUK Armed Forces is one of the largest standing armed forces in the world with a reported personnel strength of 7,450,000 in 2045. It is the second largest in the Pacific Rim Alliance.[1]

The UKM is split into three: Army, Navy, and Air Force. They have Marines, but they're under the Navy. Standard division of tabor, folks. They have no Aerospace Force yet. The president, General Park (ret.) is the supreme commander. He directly orders the joint chiefs, consisting of the top general of each branch. The chairman of the UKJCS (usually from the Air Force) serves as the secretary of Defense.


The Korean Army has 65 Divisions, totaling 780,000 grunts. Each division has a general in charge. Most of the generals were good pals of the late President I, and so he has a strong influence on the UKM from the grave. Most of the Army top levels are considered to be 'Reformists".

The Army has 2000 Tanks, 1500 APC/IFC, 500 Hovers, 500 ACPA, 500 'copters, 200 AVs, and 100 Ground-attack Planes. A third of their vehicles are refurbished versions of older models such as the M1A1 or AH-1s. All attack planes are reformed F-16s and A-10s. The ACPA are for Special Elite Forces, and are usually older model Militech Commandos.

Equipment is basically the same as for American Army, but only the officers get to wear Field Armor; the grunts wear Kevlar. The local divisions and militias get second pickings of the gear, after the Capital and Border Guards finish plucking out the choicest noblest. The locals are still using prewar stuff like M-16 and Kalishnikovs.[1]


The Korean Navy has 6 "Fleets" and 3 Marine Divisions. There are 100,000 Navy on the payrolls, including some 32,000 Marines. Each Fleet is lead by an Admiral, and the Marines are lead by Generals.

The inner struggle in the government has the Navy in a bind. The Air Force is dominated by the Conservatives, and the Army has the Reformists. The Navy knows they are being scoped by both sides, and recently the Reformists have been gaining the upper hand end are trying to separate the Marines from the Navy.

The Navy's main duty is to keep Korean waters safe; they fight the pirates and smugglers. They get to carry out on-board searches of suspected ships. Sometimes they accidentally stop Japanese fishermen (in Japanese waters) by mistake. They've never apologized for the "accidental deaths" that have occurred, much to the irritation of the Japanese.

The Navy is equipped with 31 Destroyers, 64 Frigates, 12 Transports, 8 Missile Cruisers, 6 Subs, 40 Helicopters, and 10 AVs. The Marines get to play with 20 Patrol ships, 60 Hovers, 24 AVs, 100 'copters, 300 APC/IFV, and 50 ACPA.[1]

Air Force[]

The UKAF has 10 Air Divisions, numbering 80,000 troops, They are the wealthiest in the Korean Military. Most of the airmen are Yangban elites. Their main duty is the defense of Korean airspace, and aerial support for the Army and Navy.

They have 600 Jet Interceptors, 330 Ground I Attack/Bombers, 70 Transport planes, 60 AVs. Most of the Fighters are McDonald-Douglass "Wasps", but the low-ranked guys (read this as "Non-yangban") still use F-16s and F-22s.[1]


Since the War, the Military Police have been THE police. Working under their tight military), codes, the UKMPs are strict in interpreting the law, and pretty unbridgeable. Not surprising, since accepting bribes is a Class One offense for the MPs, punishable by firing squad.

The MPs are solely Yangban (the MP Provost-Genera! denies that it's discrimination, it's just that Yangban are best qualified for the job"), and have priority over the other branches. The MPs are under the direct command of the president, bypassing the Joint Chiefs; they're practically an Imperial Guard for the president. This is a big double-edged sword for the Koreans. The MPs can arrest any criminal, even politicians and generals, except the president himself. It certainly restricts political conflict in Korea. None of that Taiwanese Parliamentary brawling here! It was an extremely powerful tool for the president and his backers, who had many of the top ranks cleared out after his election.

Most of the MPs are originally from President I's personal force, the Army. Generals have the most pull with the Mea The Amy might even be able to get away with assassinating President Park, if they really needed to. This is why the Army still has power, even though they're mostly Reformists working for a Conservative president. The MP generals attend all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff meetings. even though they aren't governed by the JCS. They go as "observers.'

Weapons Control in Korea[]

Your average Korean doesn't get to use weapons except for non-lethal self-defense stuff, like Tasers or Mace Sprayers. Carrying knives, bows, and martial arts weapons aren't illegal, but will make the MPs perk up their ears. you can find many weapons at your local black marketers, usually stock scavenged from the War.[1]


United Korea

United Korea Map (as of 2020)

Korea is located on the Korean Peninsula in North-East Asia. To the northwest, the Amnok River (Yalu River) separates Korea from China and to the northeast, the Duman River (Tumen River) separates Korea from China and Russia. The Yellow Sea is to the west, the East China Sea and Korea Strait is to the south, and the East Sea (Sea of Japan) is to the east. Notable islands include Jeju Island (Jejudo), Ulleung Island (Ulleungdo), and Dokdo (Liancourt Rocks).

The southern and western parts of the peninsula have well-developed plains, while the eastern and northern parts are mountainous. The highest mountain in Korea is Mount Paektu or Paektusan (2,744 m or 9,003 ft), through which runs the border with China. The southern extension of Mount Paektu is a highland called Gaema Heights. This highland was mainly raised during the Cenozoic orogeny and partly covered by volcanic matter. To the south of Gaema Gowon, successive high mountains are located along the eastern coast of the peninsula. This mountain range is named Baekdudaegan. Some significant mountains include Mount Sobaek or Sobaeksan (1,439 m or 4,721 ft), Mount Kumgang or Kumgangsan (1,638 m or 5,374 ft), Mount Seorak or Seoraksan (1,708 m or 5,604 ft), Mount Taebaek or Taebaeksan (1,567 m or 5,141 ft), and Mount Jiri or Jirisan (1,915 m or 6,283 ft). There are several lower, secondary mountain ranges whose direction is almost perpendicular to that of Baekdudaegan. They are developed along the tectonic line of Mesozoic orogeny and their directions are basically northwest.

Major Cities[]

Seoul - 14.234 million[]

Seoul, the capital of United Korea, is a huge metropolis where modern skyscrapers, high-tech subways and pop culture meet Buddhist temples, palaces and street markets. Notable attractions include futuristic Dongdaemun Design Plaza, a convention hall with curving architecture and a rooftop park; Gyeongbokgung Palace, which once had more than 7,000 rooms; and Jogyesa Temple, site of ancient locust and pine trees.[1]

Busan - 4 million (formerly)[]

Busan, was largest port city in United Korea before the 4th Corp War where it was wiped off the face of the world. Militech's tendencies of tyranny led to the creation and spread of lab grown deadly virus. The ghost town was been quarantined for decades home to only robots and active machinery that still carried out duties after the lockdown.[3]

New Pyongyang - 4 million[]

The once capital city of North Korea was mostly intact after the war ended in 2005, when the South Koreans moved in they disposed of any regime generals and those still loyal to the regime. After decades of trying to reunify, Pyongyang was turned into the center of rehabilitation of the north. New Pyongyang is run by the new Korean government. By 2045 it became the third biggest city in United Korea and home to a new company Hyundai Jeju a cyberware company that focuses on everyday life cybernetic enhancements.

Incheon - 3.21 million[]

Incheon, a United Korean city bordering the capital of Seoul, has long been a transportation hub. The ultramodern, massive Incheon International Airport, with railway connections to Seoul, features a casino, spa and golf course. Yeonan Pier, close to the popular Incheon Fish Market, is the starting point for many boat tours. Incheon is also known for its beach-lined islands, including Yeongjong and Muui-dong. Home to Seohyun Corp. a company that manufactures cyberware optics.


The timeline of Korea's history from the Cyberpunk universe.[1]




  • 1945
    • After the surrender of Japan, the Korean peninsula is divided between Soviet and American occupation forces at the 38th parallel.


  • 1950
    • The Korean War begins.
    • UN Forces are driven back to South-east corner of the Korean Peninsula
    • UN Troops make an Amphibious Landing at Inchon.
    • Chinese Forces enter the war.
  • 1953


  • 1961
    • Summit conference for normalization of Korean-Japanese relations.


  • 1994
  • 1995
    • Japan - "Grand Unification of Ministries and Agencies" is carried out. The political influence of Arasaka and Right-wing parties increases.
  • 1996
    • Asia - The US military in Japan and Korea is withdrawn to the American mainland.
  • 1999
    • Hanguk (S. Korea/Choson (N. Korea) - The Second Korean War begins. The South claims that the North violated airspace. No foreign radar picked up any activity.
    • Japan - The Korean War brings tension, but also prosperity. Under the threat of the North's "Nodong 13" nuclear missile, Arasaka's "Family Kabuto" personal shelter made record sales.


  • 2000
    • Hanguk/Choson - US, Japan, China, and Neo-Soviet Union take neutral stance on the surface. In reality, Cold War lines are redrawn, and behind-the-scenes aid is supplied, but sides are too evenly matched. The war becomes a stalemate.
    • Japan - A government official quoted as saying, "In the long run, the Korean War will only benefit us." is discharged.
  • 2002
    • Food Crash wipes out wheat crops worldwide. Southern China's population explodes as everyone from the wheat-growing north moves to the rice-growing south. Southern China, Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam make record profits exporting rice, seafoods, and synthetic foods.
  • 2004
    • Hanguk - General I (pronounced "ee") Ryong Yoon gains control of South Korea in a coup. I declares his military junta "United Korea", and his private army takes control of sympathetic national army.
    • I HoTong, General I's brother, leads a bombing raid n Subunho dam. Its destruction cripples China's ability to aid the North.
    • Thomas Matthews, WNS Special Correspondent, reports participation by Arasaka troops in the 2nd Korean War. Both Japanese government and General I deny the reports.
  • 2005
    • United Korea - Victory for General I. The United Republic of Korea is born. General I is elected as the first president of the new country.
    • During a press conference (to deny rumors of an Arasaka alliance) at Ch'ongwat'ae palace, I and hundreds of media (and others), are killed by a bomb blast that levels the building. That same day, I HoTong is shot down in his F-16 by Korean Air Force pursuers, on his way to China. His F-16 crashes on Chinese soil and his body is never found. His reasons for fleeing to China remain a mystery.
    • Korea elects as new president, national war hero General Park.
  • 2006
    • United Korea - The military and police are reorganized along the lines of the new American military.
  • 2009
    • United Korea - A new terrorist group led by someone using the name "I HoTong" starts attacking Japanese corporate installations.


  • 2012
    • World - First viable nano-tech developed jointly by Euro and Japanese labs.
  • 2014
    • World - I.G. Transformations redesign the Net.
  • 2015
    • World - After 10 years of mutual sabotage and deception, Japan is removed from the EEC.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 PASQUARETTE, C. Pacific Rim Sourcebook. 1st ed. Berkeley CA: R.Talsorian Games, 1994 (pg.44)
  2. PONDSMITH, M. Cyberpunk Red. R. Talsorian Games, 2020.
  3. 3.0 3.1 The False Rumors Circling Busan
  4. 4.0 4.1 Based on News stories of Cyberpunk 2077