Cyberpunk Wiki
Cyberpunk Wiki
2020IconLogo CP2077PL

Today was another scorcher with the temperature soaring to new heights. The increased violence between the Steel Eagles and the Trekkies shows that human temperatures are also running high again today. The leader of the Steel Eagles said he would nail 'Admiral Kirk's' head to a post before the end of the week. The police are ready, according to police spokesman James Rajid.

Protect & Serve

The Trekkies are a posergang in which the members act as characters from the Star Trek universe.

A diverse group, the Trekkies have techs that create and construct extensive amounts of equipment for the gang. Phaser microwaves, Radar/Infrared scanners appearing as Tricorders, and so on. Their gang headquarters is fully equipped as a starship, including exterior laser weapons and tech inside.[1] Some members are enhanced with cybernetics or nanotech. The gang has a high number of techs who produce their exotic-looking weapons. Although generally well-behaved, they are certain to fight.[2]



Bodysculpted and possibly modified with neuralware, human Trekkies pose as Kirks, McCoys, Scotties, and Wesleys.[1]


Modified with a variety of cybernetics and nanotech, aliens carry the following modifications:

  • Vulcans have bone/muscle lace, as well as cyberaudio.
  • Datas and Borgs have a variety of cybernetics.[1]

See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Trekkies are a fairly diverse group. The ones posing as humans (Kirks, McCoys, Scotties, Wesleys) will have been bodysculpted and may have neuralware. The ones posing as aliens may have cybernetics or nanotech (The Vulcans will have had bone/muscle lace and cyberaudio, Datas will have many cybernetics, as will the "Borgs"). There are many techs in the Trekkies and they have constructed all sorts of equipment for them. For example, they have microwave weapons shaped as phasers, radar and IR scanners shaped as tricorders, and so forth. Their gang headquarters is decked out as a starship and is laden with tech stuff (including some laser weapons mounted on the outside!)."
  2. Protect & Serve p.81: "Trekkies: A posergang in which the members act as characters from the 'Star Trek' tv shows and movies. Some members are enhanced with cybernetics or nanotech. The gang has a high number of techs who produce their exotic-looking weapons. Although generally well-behaved, they are certain to fight."
