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Ozob Bozo is a character in the Cyberpunk universe.


Early life[]

Ozob was born in Brazil. At some point, Ozob's brother ripped off his nose during a fight using a pair of pliers. Instead of chroming a new nose, he decided that a grenade matched his style better. Later in his life he would become a mercenary.[1]


In 2045, while Ozob was wandering around Night City, he happened to walk into the infamous Bozos' Hilaria event. After deciding to briefly join and blow something up, he disappeared amidst the crowd to the astonishment of the guests and prankster clowns present there.[2]


In 2077, Ozob travelled to Night City, being surprised with how much the metropolis had changed since his last visit. There he employed a merc named V due to them being highly recommend as one of the best mercenaries in town. While driving to their destination, V asked Ozob about his grenade nose. He informed V that it was an active grenade to the latter's surprise, but that he would just need to be careful. Once in the Watson district, Ozob entered a building alone, and not long afterwards, an explosion blew out the establishment's windows. Ozob appeared running away from a bunch of Tyger Claws, and both him and V dealt with them. After paying V their fee, Bozo left the area.[1]

Ozob later battled V in an illegal fist fight in the Combat Zone of Pacifica, with the winner being compensated with money. If the grenade somehow got activated during the fight, it detonated, killing Ozob in the process, and V was declared winner by "technical knockout." Otherwise, Ozob was satisfied with the fight and paid V for defeating him. After the event, V could mention to him that someday the nose grenade would explode. Bozo acknowledged that fact, but stated that everyone died at some point, and when he did, there would be some fireworks to celebrate.[3]

Humans of Night City[]

Humans of Night City – Ozob


Before you start throwin' questions – yeah it's a grenade, and yeah, it's active. Veeeeery active. Seen crazier mods in NC, but this has gotta be top 10. Maybe even 5. But hey, who says it's a competition, right? Prob'ly wanna know how I got it. Yeah yeah, everyone does. Well, had a fight with my brother and the fucking genius decided it'd be cool to try out some pliers on my shncozz. So naturally I picked this as a fitting replacement. Suits me down to the ground, don't you think? Took some getting used to, sure, but lookin' on the bright side my bar game skyrocketed. 'Hey baby, pardon me for being nosy, but that drink looks like the bomb. What is it?' Never miss a shot with that one. Ozob's guarantee. It's a damn shame the hooch here is so bad though. Nothing's got any bite. Not enough for me, anyway. I need something that'll rattle my rain with just a sip. My biggest craving? Cachaça. And not any cachaça – talkin' 'bout the one and only No Regrets Cachaça from my hometown. Oh BOY. One shot in the morning and you'll be feeling the beat all day long... Or it'll waste ya there and then. Big diff. Too bad NC ain't got any. Whole place could use a kick up the ass.[X 1]

Associated Quests[]

Stats & Equipment[]

Cyberpunk 2077[]

Type Items
Grenade Ozob's Nose
Weapons D5 Copperhead
Armor Bulletproof vest
Vehicles Mahir Supron FS3


Ozob is a character originally created in the 1990s by Deive "Azaghal" Pazos, co-founder of the Brazilian geek site Jovem Nerd, to be played in the tabletop RPG, Underground. However the character was never actually played until 2013 when it was featured in Nerdcast. The character became a fan favorite after being featured on three Cyberpunk RPG special episodes of "Nerdcast", the website's podcast and main attraction (see NerdCast RPG Cyberpunk 1). The character's backstory was furthered expanded in a novel written by Leonel Caldela and Deive Pazos.

Azaghal was the voice actor for Ozob in the Brazilian Portuguese version of Cyberpunk 2077 where he ad-libbed most of his lines. Even though he was offered by CDPR to play Ozob in the English version, Azaghal declined the offer because he thought it would be better if a professional voice-actor did it due to his strong accent.[4]




