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Nomads for the Thick-Skinned is a readable shard in Cyberpunk 2077.



OK, the matter's simple - whatever you read or hear about the nomads in the city media doesn't hold an ounce of water. The biggest lie bandied around is that being a nomad is a "job." It's not. Nomadism is a lifestyle. See, if you want to know something about nomads, all you have to do is ask one yourself. Luckily, I already know the questions because I've been asked them a thousand times. So let's get started, shall we?

1. Why did the nomads organize themselves? Well, why NOT unite millions of people roaming around the country? Besides, if know what you're looking for, you'll instantly know which clan a nomad belongs to. Which brings us to our next point - nomads are divided into nations. Nations are divided into clans. Clans are broken down into families. You'll recognize them from their colors, their jackets and the decals on their cars and bikes. By the way, nomads take their affiliation seriously, so unless you want a broken jaw, I'd advise you do the same.

2. You'll be eating dirt or worse if you get nomads and raffens mixed up. Remember - Raffen Shiv are NOT nomads. They're pariahs, outcasts, criminals who were either exiled from their clan for doing something truly effed up, or just ordinary city criminals on the run. Raffens form packs not because it's convenient, but because they don't have a choice. Nobody in their right mind would work with them, unless they somehow fit in your plans. Mostly they rob and pillage. Don't ask me where the name "Raffen Shiv" comes from. All's I know is that apparently it means something really dirty.

3. Nomads take on all kinds of jobs - everybody has to eat, right? What kinds of jobs they take depends on the clan or family's particular strategy. Some pick crops in agrocorp fields, others deal with corp shipments or protect their convoys. If you want to smuggle something across the border, you go to the nomads. If you need to vanish off your pissed-off creditors' or shareholders' radar, the nomads will take you so far into the boonies you'll be shitting next to scorpions. You pay, they do the job, you shake hands, and everyone goes their separate ways.

Get it now? If you want more specifics, just grow a pair and talk to a real nomad. Good luck.


See Also

Other shards with information about nomads:
