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Cyberpunk Wiki



The Night City Center for Psychiatric Health is a healthcare organization that appears in Cyberpunk 2077. In some places, it is erroneously labeled the Night City Center for Behavioral Health.


The main psychiatric facility can be found on Sequoia Street in Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo. Patients are forbidden to have visitors, are locked in cells and abused or even murdered by Militech-equipped orderlies while doctors perform unethical experiments. Some patients, such as NCPD sergeant Jasmine Dixon, are involuntarily committed by their employers as a form of cover up.[1]

Throughout City Center, there are small, subsidiary, glass-walled buildings using signs with the alternate "Behavioral" name. Inside, bamboo and trees grow, while birdsong plays (most likely artificial due to the Avian Extermination Act). City residents can be encountered here, meditating, performing stretching martial arts, and quietly reading.

Database Entry[]

Night City Center for Psychiatric Health


In the age of a rapid increase in cyberpsychosis cases, the psychiatric hospital in Night City seems to offer an earnest solution to one of the city's most burning issues. The clinic boasts a wide range of treatments, from traditional drug therapies and psychotherapy to mind-disassemblement and braindance conditioning. The clinic also prides itself on the innovative "Safe Space" program, which completely isolates patience from the outside world. Some think that getting rid of visiting hours is an essential part of successful treatment. Others think that these so-called psychiatrists don't want to be caught doing something they shouldn't.[2]


  • It is also referred to as the Night City Center for Behavioral Health, though only through signage. This is likely a consistency error.
  • During Gig: Cuckoo's Nest, a cell on the ground floor holds an elderly man whom Johnny Silverhand recognizes. They were in the same military unit and fought together in Mexico during the Second Central American War. Silverhand comments that he is not surprised to see where the man ended up given the traumatic events they experienced during the war.



  1. Gig: Cuckoo's Nest
  2. CD Projekt RED. Cyberpunk 2077. Video Game, Multi-Platform. Poland, CD Projekt S.A., 2020.