NCPD Precinct #2 (also known as City Police Precinct #2) is a division of the Night City Police Department located in the Heywood-Santo Domingo suburb of Night City.
Precinct #2 is a large and understaffed police station that devotes more than half of its officers against gangs and scavvers. For that reason, the overworked officers relay on Zhirafa drones to patrol the suburban districts of Night City.[1]
- This precinct could be the Arroyo NCPD Precinct from Cyberpunk 2077: 2AM - She Calls, as they are both located in western Santo Domingo.
- ↑ PONDSMITH, M. Cyberpunk RED Core Rulebook. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2020. (p.314)