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Meetings Along The Edge is a side job in Cyberpunk 2077.


The Zen master can be found just south of Muamar Reyes's usual location, overlooking a westward facing cliff just off the paved road in Jackson Plains. V can open conversation with different questions, though the Zen Master will only answer one, and may indicate he is aware of V's predicament with Johnny. He will then offer a meditation BD, with his usual payment condition. V can pay either nothing, or around 600 eddies for the practice. The final meditation is on the element of air, and like the previous sessions, the Zen Master will disappear after it ends. A shard, his robes, and his altar-necklace are left behind, and V can take his altar as an apartment decoration. Johnny will be seated next to the Zen Master's robes and through conversation, implies he did not see the Zen Master at all, and suggests V speak with Misty about the experience.

Journal Entry[]

Ok, this Zen master guy of yours is literally everywhere. He's gonna fall ass first out of your fridge tomorrow. This meditation's doing the trick for you? Listen, if it's the whole poetic aspect of it, I understand. But in that case just throw on one of my albums, dig into the lyrics, and leave this scam artist out of it.


  • Approach the Zen master.
  • Talk to the Zen master.
  • Talk to Johnny.


  • Completing this mission opens up a new dialogue option with Misty.


The title of this job comes from the song "Meetings Along the Edge" by Ravi Shankar and Phillip Glass released in 1990.
