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Maniacs are an enemy affiliated with Maelstrom in Cyberpunk 2077.


Icon EnemyAbility Combat StimCombat Stim
The enemy is equipped with a combat stim injector that increases their Health and leads to temporary insensitivity to pain. Also makes it easier to act tough.
Icon EnemyAbility Charge JumpCharge Jump
Cybermodified leg joints and reinforced, advanced muscle kinetics allow the enemy to traverse large distances with quick, high jumps. You could say it's almost superhuman, if we knew what was even human anymore.
Icon EnemyAbility FragGrenadesFrag Grenades
The enemy is equipped with a classic shrapnel grenade. Don't underestimate them – if you find yourself within their blast radius, the shrapnel can tear you to shreds.
Icon EnemyAbility SmokeyEyeSmokey Eye
The enemy can see you clearly through clouds of smoke.


