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Mahir Motors is an Indian automotive manufacturer in the Cyberpunk universe.


Mahir entered the market during the crisis of the 2020s and 2030s, with a marketing campaign promising affordable, high-tech, economy-class vehicles. Despite the strange and pretentious naming convention based on "sophisticated" made-up words like Eraz, Iridon, Futrix, or Supron, their cars proved to be surprisingly popular among the lower class of citizens, eventually earning the spot of one of the most common vehicle manufacturer brands in the American market.

During fifty years, Mahir worked hard to be known for selling products for reasonable prices and efficient mass production, though - like other brands of the same status - they are better know for their vehicles' lack of durability and quality, but also specifically for their vans.[1]


Model Year Factory versions Custom variants
Eraz N/A Mahir Eraz[1] N/A
Futrix N/A Mahir Futrix[1] N/A
Iridon N/A Mahir Iridon[1] N/A
MT28 2048 Mahir MT28 Coach N/A
Supron 2047 - 2059 Mahir Supron FS100[2]
Mahir Supron FS3
Mahir Supron FS3-T
Mahir Supron BARGHEST
Mahir Supron "Trailbruiser"


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 BATYLDA, M. The World of Cyberpunk 2077. 1st ed. Milwaukie, OR, Dark Horse Books, 2020. (pg.56)
  2. Gig: Family Heirloom - Computer in the closed room inside the parking area.