Jesse James' Kosher Deli is located in the Old Combat Zone of central Night City. It was originally called Jesse James' Non-Kosher Deli and was located in the Corporate Center.
While this establishment sounded like the ideal place to eat, no food was ever served here. The Deli was a bar that had been constructed in an old NCPD station. Due to some "unforeseen" accidents, you were obliged to register your personal weapons at the entrance, and instead use the "safe" guns provided for you at the bar. There was a nightly contest to see who could get the highest body count in five minutes.[1][2]
At some point in the 2010s, the bar was demolished to give space for new buildings.[3]
During the Time of the Red, the bar got reopened in the Old Combat Zone.[4] By 2045, Brick Colman was the establishment's owner.[5] Much like in the 2010s, the bar — more akin to a saloon now — had a nightly death tally that could rival that of the Totentaz. This place was a popular hangout for boosters and nomads alike, and its corned beef on rye was considered a delicacy.[4]