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Jason Wildriver is a nomad of the Aldecaldos clan, who found himself going off-route upon discovering that the man he was assigned to drive had a Militech bounty on his head.


Employed by Dakota Smith, Wildriver was expected to do a simple job of chauffeuring Benedict McAdams. Instead of getting out of town, Wildriver drove his passenger to a shack on Clements St. in the southern region of the Biotechnica flats, where he would be locked in a cellar up until Dakota sent a second merc, V, to the rescue. McAdams had been provided with food and drink, while not being tied up or otherwise restrained. The height of the bounty or his tough behaviour in particular, made him seem admirable to the point of prompting some sort of respect within Wildriver. So much as to start copying some of his signature gestures.

Once it was time to call in the bounty, Wildriver encountered a bit of a hitch. Whomever behaved as an intermediary between him and Militech did not deliver, as the contract publishers refused to pay ransom for McAdams.[1]


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