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Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Its capital, Budapest, is bisected by the Danube River. Its cityscape is studded with architectural landmarks from Buda's medieval Castle Hill and grand neoclassical buildings along Pest's Andrássy Avenue to the 19th-century Chain Bridge.


Hungary is feeling the effects of a near civil war. After the fall of the USSR, Hungary did what all Central European states did, it paved the way for private investment and democracy. Since they had promoted good relationships with Western democracies, even under communist rule, the country had a head start At the Crash of '94, Hungary had already consolidated enough economic power to withstand the worst effects. The only area troubling the government was the farmers of the Puszta. They feared for their survival after foreign investors tried buying up large parts of the arable farmland. Farmers took to the streets and after heavy debates with the government, got restrictions against foreign farm purchases.

This ethnically-balanced country escaped the small-time European nationalism of the 90's. The basis was there. It was a wonder that fifteen different ethnicity could live together with out immediate violence. Hungarian open-mindedness is based on the simple fact that over one fifth of Hungarians live in foreign countries. Any attack on minorities in Hungary would see retaliation in the home country.

This friendly policy was another factor in the positive development of Hungary's economy. The up rise was cut short by the Food Crash of 2002. The Puszta, Hungary's great flatland, became a dust bowl when the mysterious virus killed all wheat Thousands of farmers lost their livelihood and moved to the cities, creating enormous supply problems. The EC, in a humanitarian effort, flew enormous amounts of food to Budapest and other cities. Public sentiment rose in favor of the EC. Plans were made to help the Hungarians plant alternative crops, but many of the younger people had lost faith in a farming future. Instead, they intended to stay in the cities and live the easy life, on the gov't dole. The government had bought up large tracts of land, originally planning to redistribute the land cheaply to the unemployed. But then a giant investor rose from the east: SovOil offered megabucks in cash and resources in return for the better part of the Puszta. The megacop wanted to grow their new CHOOH2 grains on the fertile, easily-harvested plains. In a moment of weakness, the government accepted. From their point of view, restrictions placed on the ownership of arable land were a thing of the past They made a deal with SovOil to leave the remaining farmers alone and canceled the old laws. Most the farmers hadn't wanted their land, anyhow.[1]


As commander of the Hungarian military and political dictator of the country, General Todorov is bound by none. No court can judge him; his word is law. Everyone but the Hungarians believe he's going to delay the promised elections until after his death. We've seen it happen in Great Britain and lots of other places.

Funny thing is, I don't think they even want another parliamentary confusion. Last time I was in Budapest, people still had pictures of him in their living rooms. Even after having a couple of drinks with the locals, they still insisted they were doing this out of free will. Brought shivers up my spine, I tell you. I mean, this man has absolute power. He can do what he wants, anytime he wants, without anyone daring to stop him. And the people trust him! Maybe that's why there is so little trouble in Hungary. Streets are clean; people behave themselves, and there are virtually no demonstrations. The demos that do happen are instigated by leftist streetpunks—who aren't taken seriously, anyhow.

I believe the Hungarians are content with the way things are. The General takes care of their troubles within and without, and as far as they know, he does it right They still see him as the saviour of Hungary; a man of utmost integrity.

The situation also has its good side. The General cut down on Organitskaya biz that's been in-country since the nineties. He takes care the economy stays intact; all in all, very stable conditions. The way things are, he doesn't need "Special Police." After all, why make people do what you want—if they do it for free?

Some people are less happy with The Man. Those living near Lake Balaton, for example. For the last 70 years, it's been pumped with industrial waste, and now people wonder why the fish swim belly-up. The locals hoped General Todorov would do something about it—soon. Problem is, the Gen needs the lake as a sink for developing industry in the area. Now, guess what's higher on his list of priorities, a vacation site or industrial hardware?

Until now, they've kept their cool and simply sent representatives to see the Boss. But my estimation is, things will get a lot more lively as soon as the Gen terminates next year's elections. There's still plenty of weapons to go around, in case they want to stage another insurrection...[1]


There's the plastic surgery biz. Lots of people go here every year to change their faces. Budapest's clinics are pretty good, and they have one big advantage: they're bloody cheap. For those without the change to have a checkup in Oslo, Budapest is the place. Middle class wives from Germany, wealthy socialites from Hungary, and Mafioso from Poland all meet in the Split City. And while they're at it, they also visit the Turkish baths dotting it.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 RAMOS, J. Eurosource Plus. 1st ed. Berkeley CA: R. Talsorian Games, 1995 (pg.71-73)