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Endo is a member of the Sightseers introduced in Cyberpunk RED.


Endo was formerly part of a small guardian gang dedicated to protecting Santo Domingo from outside influences. After Racer Rajavi began smuggling much-needed medical supplies to Night City, Endo began assisting her and formed the Sightseers pack of the Aldecaldos.

More recently, Endo and his fellow Sightseer Swirl were arrested by the Night City Police Department on trumped-up charges after stealing items meant for Sarge. He suffered a savage beating courtesy of Pitbull which left half his body damaged.[1]

Stats & Equipment[]

SkillsMoto 4, Athletics 12, Brawling 14, Concentration 7, Conversation 7, Drive Land Vehicle 14, Education 7, Evasion 10, First Aid 6, Handgun 14, Heavy Weapons 14, Human Perception 9, Land Vehicle Tech 8, Language (Spanish) 9, Language (Streetslang) 7, Local Expert (Santo Domingo) 7, Perception 7, Persuasion 10, Stealth 10, Wilderness Survival 10[1]
CyberwareContraceptive Implant, Cybereye w/ Targeting Scope, Cyberarm w/ Popup Grenade Launcher, Neural Link w/ Interface Plugs, Subdermal Armor[1]
GearHeavy Pistol, Armor-Piercing Heavy Pistol Ammo x8, Armor-Piercing Grenade, Flashbang Grenade, Agent, Inflatable Bed & Sleeping Bag, Radio Communicator, Techtool, Tent & Camping Equipment, Roadbike w/ NOS x2 & Smuggling Upgrade[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 GRAY, J. et al. Danger Gal Dossier. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2023. (p.100)