The Danger Gal Housing Facility, also known as The Danger Zone, is a corporate conapt complex located in the Little Europe district of central Night City.
Owned by Danger Gal to house many of its employees, this art-deco building is located in the Little Europe waterfront, across the street from the corporate headquarters. Its interior coloring is mostly pink, accented with pastel chartreuse, neon violet, black lights, and the glow of arcade machines. Despite the tight security in the building, residents seem to not be that concerned about it, as they like to bring droves of friends every night. So much so that it seems like every day is a Friday party night. The facility's reputation is well known in Danger Gal, who have begun to call this place "The Danger Zone."
Strange amenities like beanbag pits, firing ranges, manga nooks, free Kibble-cookie stations, Smash dispensers, and obstacle courses fill the common areas, making it difficult to remember which facilities are on which floor. Some residents are sure that at least half of the Piranhas gang party here in a weekly basis.[1]
- ↑ HUTT, J. et al. Corporate Conapts and Studio Apartments. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2023. (p.3)