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Cyberpunk Wiki
Cyberpunk Wiki

Dakai Soundsystems is a corporation whose tagline is "Earthshattering sound for an earthshattering age." Originating form Japan the Dakai corporation primarily focuses on the vocal cyberware that can be easily provided to cities worldwide.


Dakai soundsystems, known for innovation in vocal aid. They offer a range of products intended to ease communication but the most common off-the-shelf installations they market are usually more utilitarian in the form of vocal scramblers or enhancers.

Dakai have been known to partner up with Cyphire Cyberware to produce a range of amplifying products, most commonly known of those being the "New Throat" modification, a device capable of shattering the ground before you as your scream is heard.


Type Model(s)
Cybervocals Dakai Boxalter, Dakai New Throat, Dakai Scramble

