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Cyberpunk Wiki
Cyberpunk Wiki
Cyberpunk Wiki
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Skills are passive upgrades which are divided into five sub-categories, each providing benefits to their associated attribute.

Skills can be leveled through performing actions related to their attributes, or through using Progression Shards.

Gain experience by:

Rank Effect(s)
5 Decreases Visibility to Enemies by 10%
10 10% Headshot Damage and 10% Damage against Vulnerabilities
15 +1 Perk Point
20 No weapon sway when crouched.
25 Decreases Visibility to Enemies by 10%
30 15% Headshot Damage and 15% Damage against Vulnerabilities
35 Gain a perk point
40 Optical Camo is active while grappling enemies.
45 Decreases recovery time after a throw by 30%.
50 30% faster when crouch-walking and crouch-sprinting.
55 Damage bonuses from being undetected outside of combat persist for 3 Seconds after entering combat.
60 15% Optical Camo Charge when neutralizing an enemy in one of the following ways: While undetected. During Focus mode. During Deadeye mode. With a thrown weapon.

Gain experience by:

Rank Effect(s)
5 Increases RAM Recovery Rate by 5%.
10 Increases RAM by 1.
15 +1 Perk Point
20 +20% lock-on range with Smart weapons.
25 Increases RAM Recovery Rate by 5%.
30 Increases RAM by 1.
35 +1 Perk Point
40 -20% RAM cost for quickhacks used on devices and vehicles.
45 +15% duration for Control and Convert quickhacks. +5% damage with Combat quickhacks.
50 +40% duration for Overclock
55 -10% Health loss from using quickhacks during Overclock.
60 When active, Overlock now reveals enemies within 10 meters and allows you to quickhack non-netrunner enemies through cover.

Gain experience by:

Rank Effect(s)
5 Increases Movement Speed by 5%
10 -5% Stamina Cost From Dodging and Dashing
15 +1 Perk Point
20 Better accuracy after dodging or dashing
25 Increased Accuracy For a Short Time After Dodging and Dashing
30 Decreased stamina cost for dodging and dashing
35 +1 Perk Point
40 Increased Mitigation Chance The Faster You Move[Notes 1]
45 +25 Damage With Fast Attacks
50 Air Dashing and Sliding Automatically Reload 20% of Your Equipped Weapon
55 When Attacking From Midair or While Time Is Slowed, Low Stamina Does Not Affect Ranged Accuracy or Melee Attack Speed
60 When Sandevistan is Active: +40 Crit Chance and No Stamina Cost For Any Type of Movement


  1. Up to 10%.

Gain experience by:

Rank Effect(s)
5 Increases Carrying Capacity by 50
10 Increases Health by 10
15 +1 Perk Point
20 Fists and Gorilla Arms Have: +20% Damage and +20% Attack Speed. Fists also have a Chance to Apply Bleeding
25 Increases Carrying Capacity by 100
30 Increases Health by 15
35 +1 Perk Point
40 +10% Crit Chance Against Enemies Within 5 meters
45 +25% Damage With Strong Attacks and Quick Melee Attacks
50 +25 Health After Performing a Finisher
55 When Adrenaline Rush is Active, Adrenaline Decays 50% Slower and Cannot Decay Below 10%
60 When Berserk Is Active: +30% Enemy Health Threshold to Perform Finishers, +50% Health From Performing Finishers, and +30% Bersker Duration

Gain experience by:

Rank Effect(s)
5 Increases Armor by 15
10 Increases Cyberware Capacity by 5
15 +1 Perk Point
20 +10 Grenade Damage and Explosion Radius
25 Increases Armor by 25
30 Increases Cyberware Capacity by 10
35 +1 Perk Point
40 Increased Shock Chance From Charging a Tech Weapon or Electric Baton
45 +15% Item Health Effectiveness
50 +30% To All Cyberware Stat Modifiers
55 10% Damage With Bolt Shots and +40% Burn Chance With Bolt Shots. Chain Lightning Now Sets Enemies on Fire.
60 When Fury is Active, You Occasionally Release an EMP Blast

