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Cyberpunk Wiki
Cyberpunk Wiki
Disambig This article is about Coronado Heights. For other uses, see Coronado.

Coronado Heights is a studio apartment complex located in the Rancho Coronado suburb of Night City.


Coronado Heights was an apartment complex located on the hills bordering Rancho Coronado and Pacifica, with a good view of Playland by the Sea. The place was notable for the amount of gang members who had rooms here, ranging from a number of Voodoo Boys keeping to themselves, some Steel Vaqueros making deals with the local nomads, or good amount of 6th Street members "patrolling" the neighborhood. Due to so much gang variety, the tensions were always high. Regardless, it was a nice place to live, and the views were to die for as well.[1]



  1. HUTT, J. et al. Corporate Conapts and Studio Apartments. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2023. (p.5)