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Cloning is the process of creating a lab-grown copy of an organism in the Cyberpunk universe.


Clones are artificial human beings or animals. They possess no human rights and can therefore be used as test subjects and disposable workers by anyone whom possesses them.[1]

Biotechnica is the world’s leading producer of cloned replacement flora and fauna to replace extinct species in ravaged environments all around the world.[2]

Clone Types[]

Stage One: A cell culture. An amorphous, homogeneous group of undifferentiated cells grown from one or more source cells. Dependent on an oxygenated nutrient bath for survival.[1]

Stage Two: Differentiated tissue. The next stage of development, where the cloned cells begin to differentiate into several types of tissues. Analogous to the early gastrulation of a natural fetus.[1]

Stage Three: Morphogenesis. A broad class, indicating some morphological organization of the cloned cells. This can mean anything from microscopic organizations similar to gastrulation, to the actual growth of full- sized, functional bodies.[1]

Stage Four: Neural development. Another broad class, covering most of the range of neural-perceptual development. Stage four clones include anything from in-vitro specimens with a rudimentary neural net capable of responding only to gross environmental stimulus, to fully functional clones of lower animals not normally considered self-aware. Includes cloned replacement limbs, which are now available.[1]

Stage Five: Self-viable. These are clones that can survive unaided, in a natural environment, outside of the vat or test tube. This includes fully functional clones of non-aware lower animals.[1]

Stage Six: Self-aware. These are clones with some level of intellect, from basic intelligence all the way up to higher cognition and true reasoning. Need not be stage five.[1]

Stage Seven: Perfect human cones. Self-aware, self-viable, and indistinguishable from natural human beings.[1]


The very first form of cloning was first utilized in 2004 by Francis Young, a student at Johns Hopkins University. He successfully created Stage Two clones in test tubes, which only lasted hours before dying from necrosis. Young was given a very high-paying job at Biotechnica after graduation.

By 2013 the creation of Stage Four artificially-grown limbs had been perfected, but was incapable of producing living animals as the chemicals used to increase growth speed caused their brains to shut down. In 2015, the Japanese company Seimei Kogei was able to produce clones with functioning brains, but without proper intellect.

Francis Young was once again able to make a breakthrough in cloning by successfully creating three Stage Six clones. Their human forms were deformed and required drugs to stay alive, but had operational brains which Young was able to implant with human intellect using an experimental Braindance procedure created by former Microtech scientist Pritap Suwarti.

In the year 2020 the very first Stage Seven clone was created of Francis Young's dead daughter Adriana. She became the first self-aware clone in history.[1]

After the Fourth Corporate War, Biotechnica's new advances in cloning technology made cloned body parts more cost-effective, killing the demand for scavenged body parts from bodybanks.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 MOSS, W. Land of the Free. Berkeley, CA, R. Talsorian Games, 1994. (pp.7–9)
  2. PONDSMITH, M. Cyberpunk RED Core Rulebook. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2020. (p.269)
  3. PONDSMITH, M. Cyberpunk RED Core Rulebook. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2020. (p.226)