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Archived Conversation: Paul and Will is a readable shard in Cyberpunk 2077.



PAUL: pisses me off almost everyone still thinks I'm 2 people
WILL: tho to be fair not even sure why I'm still using this old message thread
PAUL: force of habit? guess this is my dear diary now
PAUL: anyway I'm thinking I need nicknames for us
PAUL: wait, not "us". I mean both my bodies
WILL: yeah, gonna need those for all the gonkbrains out there who will short circ if they have to use 1 name for both of me
WILL: maybe something about brain hemispheres? left and right?
PAUL: yeah that's it
PAUL: I'm a genius
WILL: I just need them to sound like real names, so probz something exotic
WILL: otherwise I can already hear their cringy jokes: "Mr. Right? More like Mr. Wrong!" or "Hey Lefty, your other have is all right!"
WILL: etc. etc.
WILL: -____-
PAUL: we can use a random dictionary, translate left and right - maybe portuguese?
PAUL: GAHHHH which fucking we? I sound like a schizo! I mean ME. I will use a random dictionary.
PAUL: Certo and Esquerdo - Right and Left
PAUL: easy, exotic, and only Brazilians and peeps with integrated translators will ever catch on
WILL: pretty slick
WILL: not like anyone I know blows their eddies on that foofy non-combat junk anyway
Username PAUL changed to: CERTO
Username WILL changed to: ESQUERDO

