Archived Conversation: Lena and Otis is a readable shard in Cyberpunk 2077.
LENA: hey, what's going on with steve?
LENA: he isn't picking up or texting back. I went by his place - door was on the chain
LENA: neighbors say they haven't seen him for days.
OTIS: hmmm
OTIS all I know's that he was supposed to go and meet Jotaro
OTIS: said he could be getting more €$ with him
OTIS: told him Jotaro's whacked in the head and to be careful
LENA: so i heard...
OTIS: figured you would
OTIS: don't know what happened after... but i have my suspicions.
OTIS: swing by if you wanna talk
LENA: ok
- Can be found on a Valentinos Sanguinario on the 2nd floor of the Dicky Twister nightclub on Congress Street in Vista del Rey, Heywood. This place is visited during Gig: Sr. Ladrillo's Private Collection.