"All Eyez On Me" is the fifth episode of CD Projekt RED and Studio Trigger's Cyberpunk: Edgerunners series.
In order of appearance:
- David Martinez
- Maine
- Pilar (flashback)
- Kiwi
- Dorio
- Lucy Kushinada
- Jimmy Kurosaki
- Mr. Tanaka
- Delamain
- David makes a clever suggestion when the team strategizes for their next mission. However, he soon learns that their target can't be underestimated.
All Eyez On Me begins with Maine and David in the Edgerunner's headquarters. They are still disturbed by Pilar's untimely death, and all the Techie's remains are on the table in front of them - the golden cyberhands he had received in Lucky You. Kiwi joins them, fresh from the tub from a data scanning session, where she gathered information of their target - Tanaka. Maine is surprised when Kiwi begins talking about David's school career at Arasaka Academy and that he was in the same class as Tanaka's son. Kiwi also found out about Tanaka's avid interest in the works of someone with the initials "JK", and David mentions this must be Braindance editor Jimmy Kurosaki. They plan to set up a trap to kidnap Tanaka, when he visits Kurosaki's studio again for one of his more exclusive BDs. Kiwi can find out about Jimmy's reservation at Embers and they get to work.
The first part of their plan is to get their hands on Jimmy Kurosaki and to win him for their cause. They want to kidnap him from the parking deck, but Jimmy knows how to protect himself and uses his EMP weapon to incapacitate most of the crew. Kurosaki abducts David instead and drives off with him to his studio. Only Lucy and Dorio can still operate and follow him in their car.
In the following scene, David finds himself inside a brutal BD and is tormented by Jimmy with Norris' last memories. Lucy and Dorio arrive, but Jimmy also has protection for this place and two drones begin their attack on the intruders. Lucy can free David from the BD and begins hacking the drones, while David is distracting them. Jimmy finally has to give in and is impressed by Lucy's quick hacking abilites.
He agrees to help the Edgerunners and to follow their plan. In a quiet moment, the master BD editor reveals to David more about how he always gets his fresh material, and that David should be careful with his implants. Jimmy has seen many who thought they could chrome up without any consequences, and many of them found their place in his Edgerunners series.
The second part of their plan seems to be simple now - lure Tanaka to Jimmy's studio with the promise of a new special BD. Tanaka arrives, despite his son is about to be released from the hospital. Suspicious, he follows Kurosaki, and soon finds himself surrounded by the Edgerunners, who disabled his panic button. Tanaka doesn't intend to follow their orders and a fight ensues, Maine's arm-integrated gun malfunctions again, and Tanaka recognises David. Tanaka's last resort is his ability to shoot myriads of needles from his hands. However, Maine gains the upper hand and can bring Tanaka down with a powerful punch. Meanwhile, Jimmy was hit by one of Tanaka's needles and is dying. Maine's crew must flee in a hurry, because the Trauma Team is about to arrive for Jimmy. They take Tanaka with them, and the episode comes to an end.
- The episode is titled after the 2Pac song "All Eyez on Me" from the similarly titled 1996 album "All Eyez On Me".
Season 1 |